1. Preparation is key.
Whether you are buying or selling it is always wise to do your research. If you are selling, make sure that you really know your home. You are going to have a listing agent who is a marketing expert and will help you set the proper sale price according to your needs. Be prepared to discuss with them all of the details that make your home a great place to live, the history of any repairs or services or anything noteworthy about the property that you are aware of.
State laws can vary but Arizona law (where transact Real Estate) requires the seller to disclose any important facts they know about the property, even if you are not asked by a buyer or real estate agent.
An expression I took from an instructor is "Your home, your homework".
You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the home you want to buy, the property and the surrounding area. Drive around and take notice of what you see, talk to the neighbors and investigate your surroundings.
Topics to research before purchasing Real Estate from the ADRE https://azre.gov/consumers/topics-research-purchasing-real-estate
Be open minded. Modern problems have modern solutions and people are rethinking the way they use the space in their homes. Many of us continue to work and learn from home and the popular open floor plan may not be as appealing as it once was. For example, a recent client of YourGo2RealEstateTeam found a home they loved that checked every box in terms of location and amenities. The only downfall was the Owners suite was on the first floor, far away from the other bedrooms on the second level. Their solution was to convert the Owners Suite to Dad's work from home office and use one of the upstairs bedrooms as their primary so they can be close to their infant and toddler at night.
2. Employ a Real Estate Agent
Buying or selling a home is one of the most crucial decisions you will make in your lifetime. However, it does not have to be a grueling process and you don't have to feel like you are overpaying for something intangible. The real estate market is always changing. The past few years have demonstrated that fact in home prices, supply, demand and fluctuating mortgage rates. An experienced Agent will have the knowledge and expertise needed to navigate the market and help you to buy or sell your home.
A great agent will be able to demonstrate the value they will bring to the transaction and explain how and why their fee is earned.
LETS TALK REAL ESTATE ! http://juanacevedo.remax.com/
3. Activate Entry Energy
The idea is to bring the buyers to the door. A great way to activate your entrance is to use sound. Hang a wind chime that has an inviting tone, to draw Chi (potential buyers/buyers agents) to your front door.
In Eastern Philosophy, the dragon, deer, tortoise and rat are considered auspicious animals. I believe that Western home buyers may not appreciate a rat wind chime displayed out front. So, I suggest choosing a design that you find both visual please and with a pleasant sound.
Next, hang the chime with intention. Visualize the buyers arriving at the door to your house with the ideal offer, and commencing with a quick, easy sale. Envision yourself shrouded in patience throughout the transaction and arriving peacefully at your next home.
4. Enhance Curb Appeal
The buyers won't come if they can't see your home or sale sign. Clear any visual and energetic blocks that may be affecting curb appeal.
Pull weeds and remove blight. Trim or remove any large trees or shrubbery blocking the front of the house and/or the Realtors signage advertising your home.
Hire a consultant to address any Sha (negative) energy. This could be a home that directly faces a T-intersection, has a poison arrow directed at it or, has missing sections of the property footprint in the floorplan.
Use coach lights, pathway lights or solar lights in planters to brighten up the front of the house and draw people to it.
Add color through décor (door mat or wreaths, etc) or seasonal plants. Red geraniums are a favorite of mine.
5. Activate the Helpful People Gua
When you are buying or selling a home you will need assistance from many people to complete the process. A Realtor, A buyer/seller, lender, home inspector, title company, home stager, movers, cleaners, and a Feng Shui consultant just to name a few.
Located in the front right of the home or yard, we look to the Helpful people area of the
energy map when we want to invite support. This area is associated with the quality of synchronicity and you will be pleasantly surprised when the right person shows up out of nowhere at exactly the right time.
In this area use metal, the colors of white, grey or black and round or oval shapes.
This activation can be done indoors or in the yard. The area is located at the front of the house or lot to the far right of your homes intended entrance.
On the interior, place a mirror in the space with a round bowl that fits the criteria above.
Place the bowl on the mirror and put the symbols of your request inside of the bowl. When you do this set your intentions clearly and with conviction. You can use objects, photos, business cards, clips of ads, prayer or oracle cards, or simply write them down on paper, fold them up and place the notes in the bowl. This will invite in the helpful and supportive people that you need at the moment.
A transcendental cure that I have used with success is to bury a statue of St. Joseph in the NW area of the yard. (Not unique to me or, even to Catholic people in general)
Some people place the statue directly under the For Sale sign. Even better if the sign can be placed in the NW area of the yard. I have done this at every house I have personally sold and feel like it works wonders. There are specific instructions about the placement when you bury the statue. I buy them online at https://www.amazon.com/Saint-Joseph-Seller-Statue- and they come with instructions.
The psychology behind these exercises is to create focus and attract the necessary helpers by aligning your thoughts with the outcome you desire.
6. Activate Wealth Energy
Paint the front door. Deep or bright shades of purple, green, yellow, red and blue activate the wealth area and are all great options for a front door color, in my opinion.
Use the same colors in the back left or South East area of the yard or interior space.
Fountains or other flowing water features stimulate prosperity. Add them at the entry and this will also increase Chi flow to the door. Or, add them in the South East area of the yard or interior of the home. Essential oil diffusers are a great way to do this inside.
If the Wealth area is cut off or missing from your floorplan, contact a Feng Shui Consultant to learn how to remedy this.
Keep toilet lids down and bathroom doors closed, especially if a bathroom or water closet resides in the Prosperity Gua. Be sure all pipes and drains are functioning properly and keep drains closed when not in use. "Money down the drain" is not the energy we want to create.
7. Tap into "Moving" energy
Activate your personal Chi. Personal Chi is the energy that flows from you out into the World. In simplified terms it can be as basic as your mood or attitude. Use techniques such as exercise, meditation, yoga and positive thinking to develop a great mindset to meet your goals. It might seem realistic and organized to prepare for the worst but what are you actually doing to prepare yourself for success ?
Focus on your why. What are the very real reasons that you are in the position of buying, selling or doing both at the same time ? Whether it is a new job in a different area, a downsize now that the kids are adults or, an upsize to meet the needs of a growing family, a dose of pragmatism can go a long way. Focus on the goals that you are invested in and try to keep the emotion out of the process as best you can.
Envision a new owner that will love and respect your home. When we sold our large family home in the suburbs and moved into a small place in the City, I was equally as excited as I was sad. Our home had hosted countless parties and Holidays, was the hub for our kids friends and family and was large enough where we all had enough space to branch out uninterrupted. But after our children moved out the house was TOO much space/overhead expense to justify on just the two of us. When the sadness came calling I focused on the happy memories we created there, the cool new community we would be a part of in Central Phoenix and the family that would love raising kids in our old home as much as we did. I played this movie in my head whenever the negativity tried to seep in. When all was said and done the buyers actually ended up being very close to what I envisioned and the new neighborhood turned out to be even better than I could have imagined !
8. Clear clutter and pack up
If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, let that stuff go.
Go room by room and make piles of keep, donate, sell. If you are truly not going to get organized to sell on Facebook marketplace etc. then donate it. This is great practice to prep for showing your house as well as the upcoming move. Moving is tough enough without schlepping the things you don't wear or use anymore along with you. And being decluttered will help you stay show ready for all of those buyer viewings.
Keep in mind, while you are holding on to things there are always people out in the world that are in need and will make good use of them. I always recommend making your donations to an organization that is not for profit.
My 30 year old daughter had clothes she had not worn since High school. I have been harping my "clear the clutter" speeches for years but she had a very strong sentimental attachment to her belongings and a visceral reaction to the thought of parting with them. While prepping for the arrival of her second child she went into full nesting mode and finally went through all her closets, followed my keep, donate, sell advice and ended up donating a ton of stuff.
A family friend took the items and we later found out they went to a charity that was sending them to people in great need. When my daughter learned about this, she felt at peace with letting go and I promise, you will too.
9. Primary Suite in Command Position
The bedroom is probably the room we spend most of our time in and it should feel like a respite from the chaos of the world. The importance of our quality of sleep cannot be overstated. Finding an Owners suite at the back of the house, furthest away from the entry, is most favorable for creating sanctuary.
Avoid a bedroom over the garage as this lacks the necessary grounding aspects with the Earth and has the effect of feeling cold, with a cavernous space beneath you.
The activity in the garage creates rapid chi flow and drains warmth and comfort from the bedroom.
It is not ideal to have a street that runs parallel to your bedroom or, parking that faces you. Also inauspicious is a bedroom with a dual entry and exit as this creates issues of health, safety and the extra door will drain your finances.
Through Empowered Arrangement we can apply remedies to each of these scenarios as well as suggestions on the most auspicious place for the bed. Contact us to learn more. thedivinechi.com
10. Siting
As a buyer the ideal home location is one in the armchair position.
This home has something large behind it for support, ideally a mountain (or large building with no poison arrows directed at your house). And, two smaller, hills (structures, trees, etc) on either side. The house should sit on the lot in the middle with an unobstructed, open space in front.
In an urban landscape manmade structures such as paths, roads, freeways, other homes, buildings, parking garages, business, etc imitate the natural land forms. We use roads and freeways as rivers and houses or hills as mountains.
Common Sha energy to avoid would be buildings, signs or other structures with sharp angles directed toward your home, a freeway, a T-intersection or busy road oncoming with the front of the house. There are many other inauspicious items that can be identified by a professional.
When buying a home you often have to sacrifice something on your checklist.
For instance you may get the house you want at the price you can afford but, you are not in the location you desire. Conversely, you may opt for the ideal location but in doing so, the house you can afford there may not check all the boxes.
Do not fret, because with the right actions and mindset you can remedy almost any situation. Whether you decide on the mundane or transcendental cures, using our system of Empowered Arrangement, we can help you feel supported.
Go to https://www.thedivinechi.com/ where you can learn more about our system of Empowered Arrangement and the services we offer, print your complimentary energy map or, arrange for a free 15 minute phone consultation so that we can answer any question you may have or provide the solutions we offer to your modern problem.